The changes in arrangement, movement and energy of particles during these interconversions

Solid to liquid

When a solid is heated, its particles absorb energy and begin to vibrate faster about their fixed position. As the temperature continues to rise, the particles gain more energy and begin to move more freely, until they break away from their fixed position and start to move past each other.

This transition from a solid to a liquid is known as melting. The temperature at which a solid melts is known as its melting point. The melting point of a substance is dependent on various factors, including the strength of the forces between its particles and the atmospheric pressure.

Once a solid has melted and become a liquid, its particles are free to move past each other and take the shape of their container. Liquids have a fixed volume, but not a fixed shape, unlike solids. The attraction between particles in a liquid is weaker than in a solid, which allows them to move past each other.

In summary, heating a solid causes its particles to gain energy and move more freely, until they break away from their fixed position and start to move past each other. This process is known as melting, and results in the formation of a liquid.

Liquid to solid

When a liquid is cooled, its particles lose energy and begin to move more slowly. As the temperature continues to decrease, the particles lose more and more energy, until they can no longer slide past each other. At this point, the particles begin to settle into a fixed position, forming a solid.

This process is known as solidification or freezing. The temperature at which a liquid solidifies is known as its freezing point. The freezing point of a substance is also dependent on various factors, including the strength of the forces between its particles and the atmospheric pressure.

Once a liquid has solidified, its particles are fixed in a lattice structure and have a fixed shape and volume. The attraction between particles in a solid is stronger than in a liquid, which keeps the particles in a fixed position.

In summary, cooling a liquid causes its particles to lose energy, until they can no longer slide past each other and settle into a fixed position, forming a solid. This process is known as solidification or freezing.

Liquid to Gas

When a liquid is heated, its particles gain energy and begin to move more freely, which increases the strength of the forces of attraction between them. As the temperature of the liquid increases, the particles move faster and faster, until they have enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction and escape as gas molecules.

This process is known as vaporization or evaporation, and it occurs throughout the entire liquid, not just in bubbles. The gas molecules that are formed during vaporization are not necessarily confined to bubbles, but can instead exist as a gas throughout the entire volume of the liquid.

Additionally, there is another type of vaporization known as boiling. Boiling occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point, which is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the atmospheric pressure. At the boiling point, bubbles of gas are formed within the liquid, and these bubbles rise to the surface and escape into the air.

In summary, when a liquid is heated, its particles gain energy and begin to move more freely, which can lead to vaporization or evaporation. This process occurs throughout the entire liquid and does not necessarily involve the formation of bubbles. Boiling, however, is a specific type of vaporization that occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point, and involves the formation of bubbles within the liquid.

Gas to liquid

When a gas is cooled, its particles lose energy and begin to move more slowly. As the temperature continues to decrease, the particles lose more and more energy, until they are moving slowly enough that the attractive forces between them become strong enough to hold them together in a liquid state.

This process is known as condensation, and it is the opposite of vaporization. The temperature at which a gas condenses to a liquid is known as its condensation point or its dew point. The condensation point of a gas is dependent on various factors, including the strength of the forces between its particles and the atmospheric pressure.

Once a gas has condensed to a liquid, its particles are held together by attractive forces that are stronger than those in a gas. This allows the particles to take on a fixed volume and shape, unlike a gas which can expand to fill any container.

In summary, cooling a gas causes its particles to lose energy, until the attractive forces between them become strong enough to hold them together in a liquid state. This process is known as condensation and results in the formation of a liquid.